
You may already be aware of the recent murder of George Floyd in America.

Racism is not a minor issue and we do not take it lightly. Emmanuel recognises that this one example highlights the more significant issue of systemic racism that is still very prominent and present in society (not just in the USA but in the UK too).

It is so easy for any of us to turn-a-blind eye, perhaps feeling the pain of injustice when we see it, but never allowing that to generate a sense of indignation, offence and action. Calling things out when it is wrong takes courage. When we do, we align ourselves with those being treated unjustly.

Racism is not just a black issue, it’s a kingdom issue. “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together.” (1 Corinthians 12:26).


We do not want to be a church that does not practise what they preach. We do not want to be people who are just catching on to a social media trend and then not actively working towards eradicating racist behaviour and values. We all have our part to play.

Let’s choose not to be misinformed or unaffected. Let's stand together. Let's unite in prayer for peace.

We’ve continued the conversation on race in our latest podcast episode. You can listen to it here:


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