We love the energy and community that the youth bring to our church family.
Our aim for the youth work is to create a space where they can explore how an active faith helps to guide and help them as they navigate a rapidly changing world around them. We believe that God is the only person who provides ultimate security, hope and strength for us to stand firm and be light in the world. We want the youth to know they are accepted, welcomed and loved by God and the church around them, and for them to form deep relationships with their peers and the leaders.
This year we went on our first ever Youth Weekend Away! We went to the Adventure Plus site near Cranfield. It was an amazing weekend, filled with lots of fun and games, as well as plenty of time to experience and learn more about God through prayer, worship and teaching.
The weekend was a great opportunity for the youth to build on their relationships with each other, the leaders and, most importantly, God. We can’t wait to do it again next year!
Weekend Away
Youth meets every Friday night during term time at 7-9pm at St James Church Centre (Beauchamp Lane, OX4 3LF) which is a great space to hang out, get to know each other, and make friends. Our bible studies are aimed at helping the youth to explore faith for the first time and to bring application into the world we live in. We want to create space and time that they really feel they can be open and honest while receiving peer to peer encouragement, and support from the leaders.
Friday Nights
Every year at the start of the summer we take the youth to NewDay at the Norfolk Showground. NewDay is youth festival which gathers around 7000 young people from across the UK to worship God and learn more about the Christian faith. It is a full week of camping with various seminars, food venues, games and sports happening throughout the week.
This year the dates are: 29th July - 2nd August 2024