Here at Emmanuel we love to be generous. We regularly seek to give away and have had the joy of supporting many churches, church plants and projects.
Generosity comes from God. It is one of his many attributes and we love to actively make it a part of our identity as a church.
Together we love to be big hearted with our money, with our hospitality and with our serving. We see all of these as a part of our discipleship. There are lots of ways to give here at Emmanuel! Please can we encourage you to take part in this giving life of our church family? We keep it simple - we ask everyone within the church to pray and ask the Lord how he wants them to get involved in our giving life and then encourage them to be obedient and trust Him. We see financial giving as a key part of discipleship and worship and as such have a desire to help people grow in this exciting grace from God. (2 Cor 8: 7-9)
If you’d like to join us in this way, by making a one-off gift or setting up a regular gift, you can do this through your online banking. Our account details are:
65800708 / 08-92-99 / Emmanuel Church Oxford CIO 1164734
Gift Aid is a government scheme that enables us to get an extra 25% from your gift, at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to Gift Aid your donation to Emmanuel Church, please click here to complete a digital Gift Aid form. The majority of our regular givers are subscribed to this brilliant scheme.