I’m New
You are so welcome at Emmanuel! Whether you’ve found us in person or online, we would love to get to know you and make you feel right at home. If you’d like to find out more about Emmanuel and how you can get connected, click the link below.
Whether you are new to Oxford, or just looking to find a home please don’t hesitate to get in touch. One of the team would be happy to get in contact with you and help in any way we can.
Our Sunday services are a great starting point to explore Emmanuel. We’d love for you to join us, and we’ll make sure you feel really welcome.
Much of the community life and discipleship at Emmanuel can be found in our mid-week Connect groups. We have many groups that meet at different times and in different locations. All of them would love to meet you and welcome you into their community. Why not have a look at our ‘Groups’ page and consider giving one of them a try?
Intro to Emmanuel
We regularly invite all those who have recently joined or who are interested in finding out more about Emmanuel to come and meet some of the Emmanuel leaders. If you are interested in coming along to one of our ‘Introduction to Emmanuel’ evenings, we’d love to meet you and begin to introduce you to Emmanuel Church. Please get in contact, and we’ll let you know of the next opportunity.