Emmanuel is part of the Catalyst family of churches, one of the groups within the wider Newfrontiers network around the world. Catalyst has around 85 churches in the UK and a further 700 around the world. Catalyst is an apostolic family, meaning that the churches connect and align around vision, values and shared mission. Together we seek to start and strengthen churches, believing for many Gospel groups and churches to be effectively planted into every nation on Earth.
Catalyst Hub
Our Senior Pastor Matt Partridge is part of the team serving and leading the Catalyst family of churches around the world. Matt also serves and encourages a number of the Catalyst churches in the UK as well as seeking to empower teams in several Muslim majority contexts. When he is absent from Emmanuel, Matt is most often travelling to be with others within the Catalyst family.
Catalyst Festival
Bi-annually Emmanuel loves to attend the Catalyst Festival and celebrate with our global family all that God is doing among us and across the nations. We usually seek to support the festival in practical ways, offering kids and youth workers, stewards and other support volunteers.
Ready! Load! Fire
In 2019 we received a prophetic word that Emmanuel was to be deliberate about raising, training and sending many people to world mission. We have had the joy of seeing the beginning of this in many ways, with people being sent to all sorts of destinations around the world. We do sense however, that we are just at the start. Our prayer is that we will see many more people raised, trained and sent to the nations of the world for Jesus.