They say it takes a village to raise a child, and the church family is a great place to discover this truth.
Parenting is a steep learning curve and we don’t have to figure it all out alone. We can share the journey and learn from others who have already walked this road.
BIBS -Baby Interrupted Bible Study is group for parents with 0 - 2 aged children. We meet on Friday mornings in various locations. Please get in touch and join us as we share ups and downs, support and encourage each other on this journey of loving our families.
Jellytots is a stay and play group for parents and preschool children. We have story time, songs and snacks, as well as hot drinks and cake for adults. We meet every Friday at 10-11:30am at St James Hall, Beauchamp Road.
Parenting Help
Most parenting involves times of challenge as well as times of joy. Our pastoral team would love to support you in times of parenting challenge - if you would like confidential support from an experienced parenting couple within the church then do get in touch.